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First Aid in Case of Accidents and Emer.Situations
First Aid in Case of Accidents and Emer.Situations
Levchuk I.P., Kostyuchenko M.V., Nazarov A.P. (Levchuk I.P., Kostyuchenko M.V., Nazarov A.P.)

SKU: VV1171565
ISBN: 9785970442302

Pages: 120
year: 2017
Publicher: ГЭОТАР-Медиа (GEOTAR-Media)

Price: $45.78

ship 24-25

Product Reference
Product snapshot as of 5/10/2024
Price and availability are subject to change
Course book highlights nine principle topics of the module «First Aid» as a part of the subject «Health and Safety, Disaster Medicine» and contains key questions for each part as well as provisional tests for the students' self-check. This course book can be helpful for the students taught by means of e-educational systems (including distant learning). The course book is designed for the tertiary medical students taught in English as well as for the foreign students attending classes as a part of the Russian-speaking groups. Besides it can be used as complementary reading by the University students, secondary medical schools students and medical-college students learning English.