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Поиски совершенного языка в европ.культуре+с/о - Эко Умберто

Poiski sovershennogo iazyka v evrop.kul'ture+s/o

SERIA: Становление Европы

Type : Books

SKU: VV1072444
ISBN: 9785903445400

Pages: 432
Format: 84x108/32
Cover: Hardcover
Year: 2018
Publisher: Александрия (Aleksandriia)

Your Price: $33.21

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Worldwide Graphic Design presents contemporary graphic design from different parts of the world. Even though globalization seems to have resulted in the different cultures and societies getting more alike, many regional designs still retain distinctive characteristics. These particularities have been captured in this compilation of exceptional works of graphic design.

Банго В.
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Лучанкин А.,Кад
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Слукин В.,Зорин
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Стейнмайер Д.
Your Price: $33.92

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Гройс Б.Е
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Гомперц У.
Your Price: $42.65

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Говенько Т.
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Малинин Н.
Your Price: $31.70

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Пастори Жан-Пьер
Your Price: $25.79

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